
My Collections

My Collections is where we perform research on a ticker or set of tickers.

  1. We select what we are interested in researching from the My Collections, by selecting either Portfolios, Watchlists, Screeners, or World.
  2. The Navigation panel will then populate with selections. In our example, we’ve clicked on World and selected DJIA to research the tickers of the Dow Jones from the Navigation Panel.
  3. Layouts – tells Stock Rover how the research results are to be laid out – whether to display the Table, the Chart, the Insight Panel, or All three layouts.
  4. Enter Ticker – is where we can input tickers that we would like to research on an ad hoc basis. We can manage these tickers via the Quotes feature.

research DJIA

Below is another example, where we are researching the tickers that comprise a Portfolio.

  1. We select Portfolios under My Collections.
  2. Navigation – is populated with our portfolios, we then select a portfolio called Large Cap Growth Sample.
  3. We’ll display the research results using All layouts.
  4. Actions – this pane is unique to Portfolios, Watchlists, and Screeners and contains shortcuts to common Portfolio, Watchlist, and Screener functions as well help topics.

research a portfolio


Layouts determine how our research results are arranged or laid out in Stock Rover.

Table – provides a flexible spreadsheet–like paradigm for viewing tickers and their data. Selecting a ticker in the Table updates both the Chart and Insight Panel with data for the ticker.

Chart – here we can chart price, chart over 100 fundamentals, chart key technical indicators, and much more.

Insight Panel – contains tools for researching a ticker in depth.

The Layout options are configured via the icons in the Navigation Panel

  1. Table – displays only the Table.
  2. Chart – displays only the Chart.
  3. Insight – displays only the Insight Panel.
  4. All – displays the Table, Chart, and Insight all together.
  5. We can also collapse, expand, or detach a layout.

All Layouts


The Table is populated based on what we select in the Navigation Panel. In our example, the Table’s rows are populated with the 10 tickers that comprise the “Large Cap Growth Sample Portfolio”.

The Table compares investment opportunities across many dimensions of financial, operational, and price performance. It uses a spreadsheet-like paradigm where the spreadsheet is populated with lots of highly specialized financial data.

  1. The Table is comprised of Views which are logically organized into folders. Views are analogous to spreadsheet workbooks. Each View is displaying a different set of metrics as columns. We’ve selected the “Scores” view from the Ratings folder.
  2. We can refine the data display by right–clicking on a row for row options.
  3. We can also right–click on a column for column options.

Table Layout

The Table is also configured with Tile Views, which are Views that display tabular and graphical data together. Below we selected the “Scores Tile” View which is showing both Scoring and the price change over 2 years for each ticker in the portfolio.

Tile Views also come with additional configuration options along the top.

Tile View


The Chart allows us to chart price, chart over 100 fundamentals, and chart key technical indicators. We can use the chart to baseline stocks for easy relative performance comparison. We can also chart macro entities such as Portfolios, Screeners, and Watchlists.

  1. When a row is selected from the Table, the corresponding ticker is charted. We have selected the ticker GOOGL from the Table.
  2. We can add more tickers or benchmarks to the current chart.
  3. The Chart comes with many configuration options, where we can pick from a broad list of technicals, fundamentals, events, and much more.
  4. We can chart based on preset date ranges, or we can enter a custom date range.



The Insight panel contains tools for researching a stock in depth. When a row is selected in the Table (in our case GOOGL), data for the corresponding ticker is loaded into the Insight Panel.

Below we collapsed both the Start Menu and the Navigation panel to take better advantage of our screen real estate. Notice the breadcrumbs along the top, clicking on the breadcrumb trail provides for quick navigation in Stock Rover.

The Insight Panel is organized into 5 tabs:

  1. Summary – includes an array of basic information about the company.
  2. Visuals – shows EPS, Dividends, Monthly Returns, History, Technicals, vs Peers, and vs Industry.
  3. News – shows pertinent news.
  4. Analysts – shows analyst data covering both ratings and estimates.
  5. Statements – contains income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and more.

Insight Panel


Quotes are situated above the Navigation panel and allow us to quickly add tickers on an ad hoc basis to the Table.

These tickers can then be compared to each other in the Table or viewed alongside any other dataset in the Table.

  1. Enter Ticker – the tickers we input here will be added to the Quotes list and the Table.
  2. Quotes – manages the Quotes list. For example, we can recall recently deleted tickers.
  3. Ticker Symbol “x” – tickers from the Quotes list will show in the Table with an “x” next to them. Clicking the “x” will delete the ticker from the Quotes list.


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