Stock Rover is for all investors. If you use Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, your brokerage company’s web site or any other financial sites for investment research, you owe it to yourself to check out Stock Rover. Every feature we provide is built around demand from real investors like you.
Stock Rover is a powerful investment research and analysis tool that goes well beyond what investors are used to from existing equity research sites. As an advanced web platform, Stock Rover uses many standard desktop software user interface conventions (such as right click for menus and resizable, detachable and collapsable panels). This makes Stock Rover powerful and functional, while still being quick to learn and simple to use. Stock Rover is also fully mobile, working seamlessly on desktops, laptops, tablets and phones.
Our screening capabilities are unmatched at any price point. Many users discover Stock Rover first for its powerful screeners that can find and rank stocks.
Comparison is our specialty. No other site evaluates competing investment options like Stock Rover. We compute fair values and margin of safety, warn about trends that deserve your attention, and score companies for quality, growth, value and sentiment.
Research Reports
Take a deep dive on any stock with one click of a mouse. Everything you would want to know about the stock is incorporated into the report. The information is displayed in a clear and well-structured way, making it effortless to do comprehensive research on a company.
Research Reports
View performance metrics that are accurate to the minute. Link to your brokerage for automatic portfolio updates.
Our charts go beyond the industry standard to let you compare screeners, portfolios and any benchmark. You can even chart fundamental metrics.