Bookmarks are a powerful feature that allow you to quickly take advantage of Stock Rover’s many capabilities. With Bookmarks, you create shortcuts to the parts of Stock Rover that you use most often.
Although Bookmarks are available throughout Stock Rover, they are most commonly used to create shortcuts for conducting research via the Table, Chart, and Insight Panel. This is because, as we’ll see, these Bookmarks are context-aware.
Creating and accessing Bookmarks is quick and easy:
In our first example, we’ll show how to create a Bookmark that runs our Safe Dividend Growth screener and loads the results to the Dividends View in the Table.
In this example we are loading the Table with the Screener’s results. However, as we’ll see in a bit, we can Bookmark the Table with whatever is selected from the Navigation panel, which can be a Portfolio, a Watchlist, a Screener, an Index, or whatever else we choose.
In the example below I want to display the passing tickers for a dividend screener in a specific view and then bookmark the operation so that I can see the most current results of the screener in that view at any time with just a single click.
To do this I will first manually run the screener in the desired view. The steps in Stock Rover are as follows:
The Table is now displaying columns of dividend-centric metrics for the tickers returned by our Safe Dividend Growth screener.
Now, to create a single-click bookmark shortcut for this screener in this view, we begin by clicking on My Bookmarks located at the bottom of the Grey Start Menu.
When we click on My Bookmarks, a dialog window will appear pre-loaded with the new bookmark we are about to create. We can either keep the newly created Bookmark’s name and description as is, or we can tailor it to our liking.
In our example, we’ll name the Bookmark “Safe Dividend Growth”.
The default description is:
“This bookmark will activate Table with the Dividends view and select the screener Safe Dividend Growth.”
Let’s leave the description as is and click on “Add” and then “OK”.
After we click OK, we can now see our newly created Bookmark in the dialog window. From here we can further edit or delete the Bookmark. When we click OK and dismiss the dialog window, we will have created our new bookmark.
Once the Bookmark is created it appears under My Bookmarks in the Grey Start Menu.
The Table icon to the left of the Bookmark is letting us know that this is a shortcut to the Table.
Below I’ve selected our newly created “Safe Dividend Growth” Bookmark. I have also collapsed the Navigation panel and clicked on the automatic column resize icon in the upper-right corner of the panel header, as highlighted in the screenshot below, so I can see all the columns in the Table nicely spread out.
With this bookmark now set, we no longer need direct access the Navigation panel. The bookmark is context-aware and has automatically selected the Safe Dividend Screener in Navigation Panel. The bookmark also selects the Table with our selected view “Dividends” displayed.
In our second example we will show how to create a Bookmark that selects a portfolio called “My Brokerage” and loads the Table using the “Current Returns” View.
I’ll navigate through Stock Rover as follows:
The Table is now displaying the current returns of the portfolio.
We Bookmark this page by clicking on My Bookmarks.
In our example, we’ll name the Bookmark “Brokerage – Current Returns”.
“This bookmark will activate Table with the Current Returns view and select the portfolio My Brokerage.”
In the dialog window, we can also edit or delete Bookmarks, as well as change the order in which they appear under My Bookmarks in the Grey Start Menu. We will just click on OK to add the second bookmark.
Once the Bookmark is created it now appears under My Bookmarks in the Grey Start Menu.
Below I’ve selected our newly created “Brokerage – Current Returns” Bookmark.
I also collapsed the Navigation panel so that I can take better advantage of the screen’s real estate.
Here we’ll show how to create a Bookmark that selects a watchlist called “Stocks of Interest” and loads the Table using the “Returns vs. S&P 500” View.
For each ticker in the watchlist, the Table shows the current return versus the S&P 500 for time periods that span from 5 days to 5 years.
In our example, we’ll name the Bookmark “Stocks of Interest vs. S&P 500”.
“This bookmark will activate Table with the Returns vs. S&P 500 view and select the watchlist Stocks of Interest.”
We’ll click on “Add” and then “OK”.
We now see three Bookmarks for the Table.
Once the Bookmark is created it now appears under My Bookmarks.
Below I’ve selected our newly created “Stocks of Interest vs. S&P 500” Bookmark.
I also right-clicked on the “YTD vs. S&P 500” column header and selected to sort the column in descending order.
Here we will create a Ratio Chart of Microsoft’s (MSFT) price performance relative to Google (GOOGL) over the last two years. We will also include the 50 and 150-day simple moving average lines – and save it as a Bookmark for quick access.
Bookmarks for the Chart are context-aware as they include both the Ticker Selection and Charting Options.
In the example below I’ll navigate through Stock Rover as follows:
We can now Bookmark this specific Chart configuration by clicking on My Bookmarks.
We’ll change the name of the Bookmark to “MSFT and GOOGL Price Perf”
Let’s also change the description to:
“MSFT price performance relative to GOOGL over the last two years”
We’ll then click “Add” and “OK”
Our newly created Bookmark will show as our fourth Bookmark.
When we look more closely under Bookmarks in the Grey Start Menu we see our newly created Bookmark along with an icon next to it indicating that this is a Bookmark for the Chart.
Below I’ve clicked on our newly created “MSFT and GOOGL Price Perf” Bookmark.
I also collapsed the Navigation panel and expanded the Ratio chart to take up the entire screen.
Here we will create a Bookmark that displays the Insight Panel’s Summary tab for Amazon (AMZN).
The Summary tab delivers an array of helpful information about a company, including Scores, as well as data for Estimates, Growth, Profitability, Financial Health, and much more.
We can easily create a shortcut by clicking on My Bookmarks.
We’ll then click on “Add” and “OK”
Our newly created Bookmark will show as our fifth Bookmark.
We now see our newly created Bookmark along with an icon next to it indicating that this is a Bookmark for the Insight Panel.
Below I collapsed both the Grey Start Menu and the Navigation panel to maximize the Insight Panel display.
We can see that even though I collapsed the Grey Start Menu, we can simply click on “Insight Summary-AMZN” based on its icon and accompanying tooltip for quick access to Insights about Amazon.
Portfolio Tools help manage your portfolios and includes: in-depth portfolio analytics, automatic brokerage connection, correlation, projecting future dividend income, future portfolio simulation, and trade planning and rebalancing.
When Portfolio Tools is selected in the Grey Start Menu, the menu will expand to show the tools. Once the menu expands, we can then click a second time to select the appropriate Portfolio Tool.
If you find you are using one or more of the Portfolio Tools a lot, you may want to bookmark it so that it available with a single click. Let’s do that using the Portfolio Analytics tool as an example.
To access any of these tools via a single click we can simply create a Bookmark.
Keep in mind, when we create a Bookmark for a Portfolio Tool, it is not context-aware.
Rather the Bookmark launches the tool – we then select the appropriate portfolio(s) as well as any configuration options.
In the example below we:
The Analytics tool is showing details based on the most recent portfolio selection and configuration option:
We Bookmark the Analytics tool by clicking on My Bookmarks.
We’ll stay with the default bookmark name and description.
Note the description is telling us that this is not a context-aware Bookmark as it makes no reference to the portfolio(s) to be analyzed or Portfolio Tool options:
“This bookmark will activate Portfolio Analytics.”
We’ll click on “Add” and “OK”
Our newly created Bookmark will show as our sixth Bookmark.
We now see our newly created Bookmark along with an icon next to it indicating that this is a Bookmark to Portfolio Analytics.
Let’s run the Portfolio Analytics Tool
As you can see, Bookmarks provide a quick and easy way for you to customize the Grey Start Menu with the parts of Stock Rover that you use most often and want to access with a single click.
In the examples above, we focused mainly on the Table, the Chart, and the Insight Panel, as well as Portfolio Tools. However, you can create Bookmarks for any of the items on the Grey Start Menu.
Using Bookmarks in Stock Rover can really speed up your workflow and improve your efficiency by making the common things you do in Stock Rover single click operations.