Stock Rover Reviewed by Value Stock Guide

October 31, 2019

Stock Rover was recently reviewed by Value Stock Guide. Value Stock Guide called Stock Rover an exceptional stock research tool for fundamental investors and they fully recommended Stock Rover for stock research. A few selected quotes from the review follow:

“Meet the Swiss army knife of the stock screeners and portfolio managers all rolled into 1 ridiculously versatile tool: Stock Rover.”

Overall, Stock Rover’s portfolio management tools are robust and offer many times more functionality than any other similar tool I have seen.”

“I have been a dedicated Fidelity Screener user till now. My analysis depended on a number of Excel models I have built over the decades of value investing. All these still work. However, ever since I have started using Stock Rover, my research process is now order of magnitudes faster and more accurate.”

“Best of all, I do not struggle with data manipulation to flesh out the insights. I am now able to click through a few tabs in Stock Rover and quickly grasp the merits or demerits of each investment.”

Stock Rover is the leading Investment Research Platform to help investors to make smarter and more informed investment decisions. Stock Rover, delivers in-depth financial data and sophisticated analysis tools in an organized format, with a special focus on finding and comparing candidate investment opportunities and portfolio management and analysis.